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TC1: invalid grid.
TC2: smaller than len-1 x len-1.
TC3: Functional
all possible routes.
Returns: number of possible routes from (0,0) to (len-1,len-1) if success,
-1 on failure.
public int numberOfPossibleRoutes(int[][] grid, int currentRow, int currentColumn, int length)
if( grid == null )
return -1;
if( currentRow == length-1 && currentColumn == length-1)
return 1;
int countToReturn=0;
// Count the number downwards.
if( currentRow < length - 1)
countToReturn += numberOfPossibleRoutes(grid, currentRow+1, currentColumn, length);
else if( currentRow == length - 1)
// Only right count.
return numberOfPossibleRoutes(grid, currentRow, currentColumn+1, length);
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
// Count right possibilities
if( currentColumn < length-1)
countToReturn += numberOfPossibleRoutes(grid, currentRow, currentColumn+1, length);
else if( currentColumn == length-1)
return numberOfPossibleRoutes(grid, currentRow+1, currentColumn, length);
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
return countToReturn;
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TC1: invalid grid.
TC2: smaller than len-1 x len-1.
TC3: Functional
all possible routes.
Returns: number of possible routes from (0,0) to (len-1,len-1) if success,
-1 on failure.
public int numberOfPossibleRoutes(int[][] grid, int currentRow, int currentColumn, int length)
if( grid == null )
return -1;
if( currentRow == length-1 && currentColumn == length-1)
return 1;
int countToReturn=0;
// Count the number downwards.
if( currentRow < length - 1)
countToReturn += numberOfPossibleRoutes(grid, currentRow+1, currentColumn, length);
else if( currentRow == length - 1)
// Only right count.
return numberOfPossibleRoutes(grid, currentRow, currentColumn+1, length);
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
// Count right possibilities
if( currentColumn < length-1)
countToReturn += numberOfPossibleRoutes(grid, currentRow, currentColumn+1, length);
else if( currentColumn == length-1)
return numberOfPossibleRoutes(grid, currentRow+1, currentColumn, length);
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
return countToReturn;