Thursday, June 25, 2015

PHP CURL PUT json with username password

Recently I faced a lot of difficulty in requesting a put to RESTful service. If you have faced the similar issue to PUT to a RESTful service with username password, here is a sample snippet. Hope this helps. 

$file_contents_string = file_get_contents("");
$request = curl_init();
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_URL, "http://dummyhost:dummyport/");
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "PUT");
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($file_contents_string)));
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $file_contents_string);
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$username:$password");
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);
// output the response

Friday, June 19, 2015

Restore every command typed!

For all those software engineers out there, how many times have you wondered "There must be some command for this occasion" and completely forgot what it was.
To cope with those moments, especially when a new project is being set up,  shell script provides a cool and easy method to backup every command that is typed in it. Just put this in your bash profile or bashrc file.

export HISTCONTROL=erasedups
export HISTSIZE=25000
shopt -s histappend

cp /*home directory*/.bash_history /*home directory*/*backup directory*/"history.before.$(date +%F_%R)"

Now each and every command you typed would be in a backup. I go to the backup directory and grep with some pattern I slightly remember about the command I want to search. This saved me a lot of time. I hope this helps you too.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Java Code that finds Least Common Ancestor in a binary tree

This problem is broken down into 3 pieces.

  1. Find the paths to the target nodes.
  2. Push them in a stack.
  3. Reverse the stacks to find the element just before a mismatch.
Crux is this:

public static Node leastCommonAncestor(Node root, Node one, Node two)
if( one == null ) return two;
if( two == null ) return one;

Stack s1 = new Stack();
Stack s2 = new Stack();
boolean oneFound = findPath(root, one, s1);
boolean twoFound = findPath(root, two, s2);
if( ! oneFound || ! twoFound ) return null;
Stack rev1 = reverseStack(s1);
Stack rev2 = reverseStack(s2);
Node first = (Node) rev1.pop();
Node second = (Node) rev2.pop();
Node lca = first;
while( first.value == second.value )
lca = first;
if( ! rev1.empty() ) 
first = (Node) rev1.pop();
if( ! rev2.empty() )
second = (Node) rev2.pop();
return lca;


Code that reverses the stack should be easy. But findPath is the one needs attention.


public static boolean findPath(Node current, Node destNode, Stack s)
if( current == null ) return false;
if( current.value == destNode.value )
return true;
if( current.left != null )
boolean found = findPath(current.left, destNode, s);
if(  found ) return true;
else s.pop();

if( current.right != null )
boolean found = findPath(current.right, destNode, s);
if(  found ) return true;
else s.pop();
return false;

Test execute it here.

Java Code that converts String to Integer. Standard atoi function.

As a first thing, we need to sanitise the string.
  1. It could be null.
  2. It could have leading and trailing spaces.
  3. It could have an additional +/- symbols.
  4. It could have invalid characters, spaces and what not. 
As a next thing, for all we know the string could contain values more than Integer.MAX_VALUE. So, we don't accept strings of length more than that. 

Now, we simply pluck out each character, get it's integer value and add the corresponding exponent's according to the digit's position. We need to take caution when trying to add each characters because the string could still have a value more than Integer.MAX_VALUE. 
If we add the new value like this
    convertedInt + newValueToAdd > Integer.MAX_VALUE
it might overflow. 

So we do the opposite.
  convertedInt <= Integer.MAX_VALUE - newValueToAdd

Here is the implementation.

public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
String a = "2147483647";
System.out.println("Integer : " + atoi(a));

public static int atoi(String a) throws Exception
String sane = checkSanity(a);
if( sane == null )
throw new Exception("Not compatible");

if( sane.length() > 10 )
throw new Exception("Overflow");

if( sane.length() <= 0 )
throw new Exception("Underflow");

int convertedInt = 0;
int exponent = 0;
for( int i = sane.length() - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
int newDigit = Character.getNumericValue( sane.charAt(i) );

int newValueToAdd = (int) ( Math.pow(10, exponent) * newDigit );

if( convertedInt <= Integer.MAX_VALUE - newValueToAdd )
convertedInt += newValueToAdd;
throw new Exception("Overflow");


return convertedInt;

public static String checkSanity(String a)
// could be null
if( a == null )
return null;

// Trim leading and trailing spaces.
String b = a.trim();

// Should it have + or - symbol, consider.
String c;
if( b.charAt(0) == '+' || b.charAt(0) == '-' )
c = b.substring(1);
c = b.substring(0);

// could have special characters and non numbers.
for( int i = 0; i < c.length(); i++ )
if( ! Character.isDigit(c.charAt(i)) )
return null;

return c;


Test execute it here.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Java code that adds '1' to linked list of digits by reversing the list.

The idea is to reverse the list first. Keep adding the carry from the start to the end and perhaps, create a carry node at the end and then reverse back to normal order.


class Ideone
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
// create LL
Node reversedHead = reverseLL(head);
Node normal = reverseLL(reversedHead);

public static void incrementLL(Node head)
Node current = head;
Node previous = current;
int carry = 1;

while( current != null && carry > 0 )
int temp = current.value;

temp += carry;
carry = temp / 10;
temp %= 10;

current.value = temp;
previous = current;
current =;

if( carry > 0 )
Node last = createNewNode(carry); = last;


public static Node reverseLL(Node head)
Node current = head;
Node previous = null;

while( current != null )
Node temp =; = previous;
previous = current;
current = temp;

return previous;


Test Execute it here.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Smartest way to clone a Linked List that has a random pointer

Solution is to clone the list by modifying 'next' in this way first:

-->1        2-------|       3-------|      4-------|
     |        /|\        |       /|\        |       /|\      |
    \|/        |        \|/       |        \|/       |      \|/
-->1------ |        2-------|       3-------|       4

And then, map all the random pointers in the original list to the cloned list. Their correspondence makes this easy now.

And finally, map the next pointers to their original nodes.


import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

class CloneLinkedList
public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
// create LL
Node head = createNewNode(1);
Node two = createNewNode(2);
Node three = createNewNode(3);
Node four = createNewNode(4); = two; = three; = four;

head.random = three;
two.random = four;

Node clonedList = clone(head);
Node current = clonedList;
while(current != null)
System.out.println("val: "+ current.value );
if( current.random != null)
System.out.println(" random: " + current.random.value);
current =;

public static Node clone(Node head)
if( head == null )
return null;

Node current = head;
while( current != null)
Node temp = createNewNode(current.value); =; = temp;
current =;

Node clonedHead =;

current = head;
while( current != null )
if( current.random != null)
{ =;

current =;

current = head;
while( current != null )
Node temp =; =;
current =;
if( current != null)
{ =;

return clonedHead;

public static Node createNewNode(int value)
Node node = new Node(value);
return node;

class Node
int value;
Node next;
Node random;

public Node(int val)
value = val;


Cases that need caution:

1. Random could be null or might point in reverse direction.
2. Edge case when mapping next pointers back. can only point to when current  is non null.
Test Execute it here

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Java code for Iterative Inorder Traversal of a Binary Tree

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

class BinaryTreeInorderTraversal
    public static Stack stack = new Stack();
    public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
        // create some input
        Node head = new Node(1);
        head.left = new Node(2);
        head.right = new Node(3);
        head.right.left = new Node(4);
    static void iterativeInorder(Node head)
        Node current = head;
        while( current != null )
            if( current.left != null && current.left.visited == false)
                stack.push( current );
                current = current.left;
                current.visited = true;
            if( current.right != null )
                current = current.right;
                if( ! stack.empty() )
                    current = (Node) stack.pop();   
                    current = null;
    static void visit(Node current)

class Node
    public Node left=null;
    public int value;
    public boolean visited=false;
    public Node right=null;
    public Node(int value)
        this.value = value;

Test Execute it here.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Java code that maximizes Buy-Sell + Buy-Sell profit on Stock prices for past week when Introspected.

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

class StockPricesIntrospection
    public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
                // Test Input here
        int[] inputArr = new int[] {38, 40, 42, 35, 23, 50};
        int size = inputArr.length;
        int[][] maxValuesFrom = new int[6][6];
        for( int start=0; start < size-1; start++)
            int minimumStartingPrice = inputArr[start];
            int maximumEndingPrice = inputArr[start];
            for( int end=start+1; end < size; end++)
                if( maximumEndingPrice < inputArr[end] )
                    maximumEndingPrice = inputArr[end];   
                maxValuesFrom[start][end] = ( maximumEndingPrice - minimumStartingPrice );
        int finalMaxStockPrice=0;
        for( int startIndex=0; startIndex < size; startIndex++)
            int localMax=maxValuesFrom[startIndex][size-1];
            for(int endIndex=startIndex+1; endIndex < size; endIndex++)
                int sumValue;
                if ( endIndex == size - 1 )
                    sumValue = localMax;
                    sumValue = maxValuesFrom[startIndex][endIndex] +
                if( sumValue > maxValuesFrom[startIndex][size-1] && sumValue > localMax )
                    localMax = sumValue;
            if( finalMaxStockPrice < localMax )
                finalMaxStockPrice = localMax;
    System.out.println("Max stock price profit could have been " + finalMaxStockPrice);

Time complexity: O( n squared)
Space complexity: O(n squared)
Test Execute it here.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Java Code to find Max ones in a 2D array of 0's and 1's row wise sorted.

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

class FinderOfOnes
    static int maxOnes=0;
    public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
        // Test input.
        int[][] inputArr = new int[5][5];
        for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            for( int j =0; j < 5; j++)
                inputArr[i][j] = 1;
        System.out.println( "Max ones are "  + findMaxOnes(inputArr) );
    static int findMaxOnes(int[][] Arr)
        int start = 0;
        int end = Arr.length;
        int mid = (start + end )/ 2;
        binarySearch(Arr, start, mid, end);
        return maxOnes;
    static void binarySearch(int[][] Arr, int start, int mid, int end)
        if( end == start+1 )
            if( end == Arr.length - 1 )
                updateMaxIfFoundOn(end, Arr);
                updateMaxIfFoundOn(start, Arr);
        if( updateMaxIfFoundOn(mid, Arr) )
            end = mid;
            start = mid;
        mid = (start + end)/2;
        binarySearch(Arr, start, mid, end);
    static boolean foundOneOn(int columnNumber, int[][] Arr)
        for( int row=0; row < Arr.length; row++ )
            if( Arr[row][columnNumber] == 1 )
                return true;
        return false;
    static boolean updateMaxIfFoundOn(int columnNumber, int[][] Arr)
        boolean found = foundOneOn(columnNumber, Arr);
        if( found &&
            maxOnes < ( Arr.length - columnNumber) )
            maxOnes = Arr.length - columnNumber;
        return found;

Test Execute it here:

Thursday, February 12, 2015

PHP Code that evaluates Expressions in spreadsheets using DFS on Forest

/* Author: Sunil Kata
** Filename: ExpressionEvaluator.php
** Date: 10 May 2014
** Input: Expects a file name which has spreadsheets information with the test cases
** Output: Evaluates expression of each test case for those spreadsheets
** Description: This program creates a hash map of all cells per spreadsheet, considers mapping via expressions as edges of a tree.
                This will result in disconnected collection of trees, which could be called as Forest.
                The program does DFS on each of disconnected tree and evalutes the expression while traversing.
** PreConditions: The format of the input file has to be in certain order. Order shown below
                  No of test cases as T
                  S1 :No of cells
                  c1: Expression
                  S2: No of cells
                  c1: Expression
                  S Tth: No of cells
                  c1: expression

if( sizeof($argv) < 2 )
    echo "Usage: ExpressionEvaluator.php input_file_name\n";

$testCasesArray = createHashedArrayOfCells( $argv[1] );

foreach($testCasesArray as $testCaseNumber => $spreadsheet)

    $singleSheetEvaluated = array();
    foreach($spreadsheet as $key => $cell )

/************** End of Processing **********************/

/* Input: Takes the file name that contains spreadsheets info
** Description: Read the cell info from the file line-by-line and stores the info in a hashed array of spreadsheets info
** Output: One element is one test case info. Gives out hashed array of all test cases info.
** Precondition: Valid input file name.
** Modifies: None

function createHashedArrayOfCells( $inputFileName )
    $testCasesArray = array();
    $expressionArray = array();

    $handle = fopen($inputFileName,'r');

    if( $handle )
        while( ( $buffer = fgets($handle) ) != false )
            $buffer = trim($buffer);
            $length = strlen($buffer);

            if( $length == 0 ) continue;

            if( $expectingTotalTestCasesNumber )
                $expectingTotalTestCasesNumber = false;
                $expectingTestCaseLength = true;

                $totalNumberOfCases = intval($buffer) != 0 ? intval($buffer) : 0;
                if( ! $totalNumberOfCases )
                    echo "Not a valid test cases number."; exit(1);   


            if( $expectingTestCaseLength )
                $expectingTestCaseLength = false;
                $expectingExpression = true;

                $totalNumberOfExpressions = intval($buffer) != 0 ? intval($buffer) : 0;
                if( ! $totalNumberOfExpressions )
                    echo "Not a valid number of expressions.";

            if( $expectingExpression )
                if( $length >= 3 )
                    $expressionEquation = explode("=",$buffer);
                    $expressionEquation[0] = trim($expressionEquation[0]);
                    $expressionEquation[1] = trim($expressionEquation[1]);
                    if( sizeof($expressionEquation) > 2 )
                        echo "invalid expression";
                        $isExpression = ( intval($expressionEquation[1]) == 0 );
                        $expressionArray[$expressionEquation[0]] = array('expression'=>$expressionEquation[1],'value'=>intval($expressionEquation[1]),'visited'=>false);
                    echo "expression cannot have 2 characters";
                if( $expressionRead == $totalNumberOfExpressions )
                    $testCasesArray[] = $expressionArray;
                    $expressionArray = array();
                    $expectingExpression = false;

                    if( $testCasesRead == $totalNumberOfCases )

        return $testCasesArray;
        echo "Cannot open file name. Path to file could be incorrect";


/* Input: An array of cells for one spreadsheet
** Output: An array of cells with expression evaluted for all trees in one spreadsheet.
** Description: Calls DepthFirstSearch i.e., expressionEvaluator here, for all unvisited
                trees in the spreadsheet forest.

function depthFirstForests(&$spreadsheet)
    foreach($spreadsheet as $cell => $value )
            expressionEvaluator($spreadsheet, $cell);

/* Input: An array of cells for one spreadsheet.
** Output: Array of cells with expression evaluted to value field.
** Modifies: The input array is modified
** Description: Evaluates expression using Depth First search on cells.
                Extract each cell from expression, recursively calls the
                same function until all cells are evaluated to integers.

function expressionEvaluator(&$spreadsheet, $currentCell)
    if( ! $spreadsheet[$currentCell]['visited'] )
        $expression = $spreadsheet[$currentCell]['expression'];
        $newExpression = str_replace(array('+','-','/','*'),"+",$expression);
        $valuesArray = explode("+", $newExpression);

        foreach( $valuesArray as $cell )
            $cell = trim($cell);
            if( intval($cell) == 0 && array_key_exists($cell, $spreadsheet) )
                // found a cell. visit it before evaluating
                if( ! $spreadsheet[$cell]['visited'] )
                    expressionEvaluator($spreadsheet, $cell);
                $spreadsheet[$currentCell]['expression'] = str_replace($cell, $spreadsheet[$cell]['value'], $spreadsheet[$currentCell]['expression']);
        // evaluate this expression

/*Input: Expects the output of the program
**output: Write to a file called output.txt
** Description: If it could not write to output.txt, it just prints the result.

function writeOutput(&$outputArray)

    $handle = fopen('output.txt','w');
        foreach($outputArray as $spreadsheet )
            foreach($spreadsheet as $cell => $value )
                $line=$cell." = ".$value."\n";
            fputs($handle, "\n");
        echo "Cannot open file, so printing output here ";


Friday, January 16, 2015

Java Code to find all paths in a grid from start to end.


 1  2 3  4
 5  6   7  8
 9 10 11 12
 13 14  15  16

TC1: invalid grid.
TC2: smaller than len-1 x len-1.
TC3: Functional
           all possible routes.

Returns: number of possible routes from (0,0) to (len-1,len-1) if success,
         -1 on failure.

public int numberOfPossibleRoutes(int[][] grid, int currentRow, int currentColumn, int length)
    if( grid  == null )
        return -1;
    if( currentRow == length-1 && currentColumn == length-1)
        return 1;
    int countToReturn=0;
    // Count the number downwards.
    if( currentRow < length - 1)
        countToReturn += numberOfPossibleRoutes(grid, currentRow+1, currentColumn, length);  
    else if( currentRow == length - 1)
        // Only right count.
        return numberOfPossibleRoutes(grid, currentRow, currentColumn+1, length);
        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
    // Count right possibilities
    if( currentColumn < length-1)
        countToReturn += numberOfPossibleRoutes(grid, currentRow, currentColumn+1, length);   
    else if( currentColumn == length-1)
        return numberOfPossibleRoutes(grid, currentRow+1, currentColumn, length);
        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();
    return countToReturn;

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Java Code to Convert Binary Tree to Circular Doubly Linked List

This function processes Binary Tree as show below
                 2                           3
      4                5
to circular doubly linked list as shown

4 <-> 2 <-> 5 <-> 1 <-> 3

Also links to 4 and 3 are updated.

public void convertBTToCDLL(Node current, Node toReturnHead, Node toReturnTail)
    // Exit conditions and Null handling here.
    if( current == null )
    // convert left sub tree to CDLL
    Node leftSubTreeHead=null;
    Node leftSubTreeTail=null;
    if( current->left )
        convertBTToCDLL(current->left, leftSubTreehead, leftSubTreeTail);
    // convert right sub tree to CDLL
    Node rightSubTreeHead=null;
    Node rightSubTreeTail=null;
        convertBTToCDLL(current->right, rightSubTreeHead, rightSubTreeTail);
    // Convert the current node to CDLL 
    if(! leftSubTreeTail)
        leftSubTreeTail = leftSubTreeHead = current;
    if(! rightSubTreeHead)
        rightSubTreeHead = rightSubTreeTail = current;

    leftSubTreeTail->right = current;
    current->left = leftSubTreeTail;

    rightSubTreeHead->left = current;
    current->right = rightSubTreeHead;

    // Make this circular
    toReturnHead = leftSubTreeHead;
    toReturnTail = rightSubTreeTail;

Friday, January 2, 2015

Best way to engineer software products!

  1. Gather Requirements thoroughly.
  2. Make High Level Architecture.
  3. Write Sequence diagrams.
  4. Make Low Level design.
  5. Make Data Model.
  6. Write Use Case based Test Cases.
  7. Identify Objects, Methods and APIs.
  8. Identify Design patterns, files organization, library structure.
  9. And Coding should be brain dead job (mostly). 
Gather Requirements thoroughly:
This is where it starts. The right questions to ask at this point is :
  1. What problem does this product solve?
  2. How will it impact customers?
  3. In what way will the end-product look like? 
  4. In what way shall the requirements change?
  5. How much load should the product serve?
  6. To what extent, should it scale reasonably?
Make High Level Architecture:
At this step, identifying large pieces (or blocks) that contain reasonable ambiguity. See how those blocks are connected to each other. Right questions to ask at this point is:
  1. What could be the role of each block in serving customers?
  2. How many different types of customers exist in the system?
  3. What choice of database would be most suitable?
  4. How many varieties of data stores (or tables ) would be needed?
Write Sequence diagrams:
These define the interactions between each block in the high level architecture.

Make Low level design:
This point is to break a lot of ambiguity by breaking each block into various smaller components. Making flow charts of how each smaller components would interact with each other should be done here.

Make Data Model: 
At this point, define how the data in the system flows from the customer to the database and from the database to the customer. Typically identification of what exact fields are required in the database would be done here.

Write Use Case based Test Cases:
Use cases are typically defined as one task a customer achieves in the product. Writing these as exhaustively as possible helps a lot while going to the next level. These test cases would come really handy in absorbing ambiguity while coding.

Rest are self-explanatory.

At each of these steps, one needs to keep an eye on how fast things could change and each step should reasonably adapt to changes in the environment.