Thursday, February 12, 2015

PHP Code that evaluates Expressions in spreadsheets using DFS on Forest

/* Author: Sunil Kata
** Filename: ExpressionEvaluator.php
** Date: 10 May 2014
** Input: Expects a file name which has spreadsheets information with the test cases
** Output: Evaluates expression of each test case for those spreadsheets
** Description: This program creates a hash map of all cells per spreadsheet, considers mapping via expressions as edges of a tree.
                This will result in disconnected collection of trees, which could be called as Forest.
                The program does DFS on each of disconnected tree and evalutes the expression while traversing.
** PreConditions: The format of the input file has to be in certain order. Order shown below
                  No of test cases as T
                  S1 :No of cells
                  c1: Expression
                  S2: No of cells
                  c1: Expression
                  S Tth: No of cells
                  c1: expression

if( sizeof($argv) < 2 )
    echo "Usage: ExpressionEvaluator.php input_file_name\n";

$testCasesArray = createHashedArrayOfCells( $argv[1] );

foreach($testCasesArray as $testCaseNumber => $spreadsheet)

    $singleSheetEvaluated = array();
    foreach($spreadsheet as $key => $cell )

/************** End of Processing **********************/

/* Input: Takes the file name that contains spreadsheets info
** Description: Read the cell info from the file line-by-line and stores the info in a hashed array of spreadsheets info
** Output: One element is one test case info. Gives out hashed array of all test cases info.
** Precondition: Valid input file name.
** Modifies: None

function createHashedArrayOfCells( $inputFileName )
    $testCasesArray = array();
    $expressionArray = array();

    $handle = fopen($inputFileName,'r');

    if( $handle )
        while( ( $buffer = fgets($handle) ) != false )
            $buffer = trim($buffer);
            $length = strlen($buffer);

            if( $length == 0 ) continue;

            if( $expectingTotalTestCasesNumber )
                $expectingTotalTestCasesNumber = false;
                $expectingTestCaseLength = true;

                $totalNumberOfCases = intval($buffer) != 0 ? intval($buffer) : 0;
                if( ! $totalNumberOfCases )
                    echo "Not a valid test cases number."; exit(1);   


            if( $expectingTestCaseLength )
                $expectingTestCaseLength = false;
                $expectingExpression = true;

                $totalNumberOfExpressions = intval($buffer) != 0 ? intval($buffer) : 0;
                if( ! $totalNumberOfExpressions )
                    echo "Not a valid number of expressions.";

            if( $expectingExpression )
                if( $length >= 3 )
                    $expressionEquation = explode("=",$buffer);
                    $expressionEquation[0] = trim($expressionEquation[0]);
                    $expressionEquation[1] = trim($expressionEquation[1]);
                    if( sizeof($expressionEquation) > 2 )
                        echo "invalid expression";
                        $isExpression = ( intval($expressionEquation[1]) == 0 );
                        $expressionArray[$expressionEquation[0]] = array('expression'=>$expressionEquation[1],'value'=>intval($expressionEquation[1]),'visited'=>false);
                    echo "expression cannot have 2 characters";
                if( $expressionRead == $totalNumberOfExpressions )
                    $testCasesArray[] = $expressionArray;
                    $expressionArray = array();
                    $expectingExpression = false;

                    if( $testCasesRead == $totalNumberOfCases )

        return $testCasesArray;
        echo "Cannot open file name. Path to file could be incorrect";


/* Input: An array of cells for one spreadsheet
** Output: An array of cells with expression evaluted for all trees in one spreadsheet.
** Description: Calls DepthFirstSearch i.e., expressionEvaluator here, for all unvisited
                trees in the spreadsheet forest.

function depthFirstForests(&$spreadsheet)
    foreach($spreadsheet as $cell => $value )
            expressionEvaluator($spreadsheet, $cell);

/* Input: An array of cells for one spreadsheet.
** Output: Array of cells with expression evaluted to value field.
** Modifies: The input array is modified
** Description: Evaluates expression using Depth First search on cells.
                Extract each cell from expression, recursively calls the
                same function until all cells are evaluated to integers.

function expressionEvaluator(&$spreadsheet, $currentCell)
    if( ! $spreadsheet[$currentCell]['visited'] )
        $expression = $spreadsheet[$currentCell]['expression'];
        $newExpression = str_replace(array('+','-','/','*'),"+",$expression);
        $valuesArray = explode("+", $newExpression);

        foreach( $valuesArray as $cell )
            $cell = trim($cell);
            if( intval($cell) == 0 && array_key_exists($cell, $spreadsheet) )
                // found a cell. visit it before evaluating
                if( ! $spreadsheet[$cell]['visited'] )
                    expressionEvaluator($spreadsheet, $cell);
                $spreadsheet[$currentCell]['expression'] = str_replace($cell, $spreadsheet[$cell]['value'], $spreadsheet[$currentCell]['expression']);
        // evaluate this expression

/*Input: Expects the output of the program
**output: Write to a file called output.txt
** Description: If it could not write to output.txt, it just prints the result.

function writeOutput(&$outputArray)

    $handle = fopen('output.txt','w');
        foreach($outputArray as $spreadsheet )
            foreach($spreadsheet as $cell => $value )
                $line=$cell." = ".$value."\n";
            fputs($handle, "\n");
        echo "Cannot open file, so printing output here ";


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